Road Trip USA
/ adult
+ vehicle
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Explore the diversity of the American West on this captivating road trip ! From the hustle and bustle of the big cities to the majesty of the canyons, you'll travel through breathtaking landscapes.
- Day 1Los Angeles
- Day 2Los Angeles
- Day 3Los Angeles / Las Vegas (428 km)
- Day 4Las Vegas / Grand Canyon (440 km)
- Day 5Grand Canyon
- Day 6Grand Canyon / Monument Valley (251 km)
- Day 7Monument Valley / Lake Powell (157 km)
- Day 8Lake Powell / Bryce Canyon (241 km)
- Day 9Bryce Canyon / Zion (216 km)
- Day 10Zion / Death Valley (427 km)
- Day 11Death Valley / Mammoth Lakes (291 km)
- Day 12Mammoth Lakes / Yosemite (222 km)
- Day 13Yosemite / San Francisco (307 km)
- Day 14San Francisco
- Day 15San Francisco