On the Road

4.54 (134 reviews)
From$1,196 / adult+ vehicle
To calculate your price, you must first enter a departure date and specify the number of travellers.
2 travellers 1 room


Discover the great national parks of the Southwest with a motorhome as your nomad base, and experience adventure in complete freedom, between arid deserts, tranquil lakes and snow-capped peaks.
  • Day 1
    Los Angeles
  • Day 2
    Los Angeles
  • Day 3
    Los Angeles / Joshua Tree (242 km)
  • Day 4
    Joshua Tree / Grand Canyon (606 km)
  • Day 5
    Grand Canyon
  • Day 6
    Grand Canyon / Monument Valley (288 km)
  • Day 7
    Monument Valley / Lake Powell (213 km)
  • Day 8
    Lake Powell / Bryce Canyon (239 km)
  • Day 9
    Bryce Canyon / Zion (214 km)
  • Day 10
  • Day 11
    Zion / Las Vegas (232 km)
  • Day 12
    Las Vegas / Mammoth Lakes (516 km)
  • Day 13
    Mammoth Lakes / Yosemite (170 km)
  • Day 14
    Yosemite / San Francisco (149 km)
  • Day 15
    San Francisco
  • Day 16
    San Francisco

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